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Not Being Clear in Your Claim – What Are Examples the Policyholders Are Unclear about When Describing the Damages to Their Property? How Can This Be Avoided?

A policyholder needs to provide a detailed description of the loss and the location of the loss. But it is not necessary for the policyholder to give a detailed account of the cause of the loss or the extent of the damages. Professionals investigate and describe that. If there’s a leak inside your home, you let the insurance company know about the leak, where it is. Let the insurance company send an expert to investigate the cause and the amount of the loss.

Sudden and accidental losses are more likely to be covered. If a windstorm came and blew off a bunch of shingles on your roof, that is an event you need to tell your insurance company about right away. Of course, you would not want to provide your unprofessional opinion about other factors such as the age of the roof and/or its condition, which might suggest the loss was not sudden and accidental. These details might provide reasons for your claim to be denied. Sudden and accidental losses are difficult for insurance carriers to deny.

Cleaning Up and Fixing Damage Before Proper Documentation – What Are Significant Examples Where You’ve Seen Policy Holders Hurt Their Insurance Claim by Cleaning Up Damage And Debris Too Fast Or Even Attempt to Temporarily Fix Damage to Their Property Or Home?

If a piece of equipment, pipe, or furniture—anything—was broken or failed and resulted in loss, most policies require policyholders not to dispose of these things. Instead, keep them to allow the insurance company to inspect them in their investigation of the loss.

When something is broken or fails in our homes, we get the item fixed right away. This is reasonable as long as your next call is to your insurance company to let them know about the loss and what you have already done to fix it. As stated above, homeowners are to take reasonable steps to prevent the property from further damage after the loss happened. Call your handyman and then call your insurance company, so the insurance company can take the action to complete their investigation.

For more information on First Party Insurance Claims in Florida, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (407) 915-5447 today.

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